A GENOCIDE IN THE MAKING? Erdogan Regime’s Crackdown on The Gulen Movement

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The increasingly widespread witch-hunt, systematic and widespread hate speech, ongoing persecution and massacre of Gulen movement members have made conditions in Turkey ripe for a deliberate, planned and systematic genocide,” Bülent Keneş, a veteran Turkish journalist in exile, wrote in his newly released book, which he says attempts to sound the alarm to the international community about developments in Turkey that are inching closer to a full-fledged genocide against the Gülen movement, a faith-based group targeted by the government.
Keneş, who fled persecution in Turkey and has been living in Stockholm for the last four years, this program will be about his new book, titled “A Genocide in the Making? Erdogan Regime’s Crackdown on the Gülen Movement.” 


Bülent Keneş, Guest Author
Kelly Armor, Moderator

Date: Jul 18, 2021
Time: 2 pm – 3.30 pm

Please click to watch the program: https://youtu.be/AEo0VOkTuY8

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