Women’s Rights in 21th Century

Published by cityofbridges on

The City of Bridges Foundation would like to organize an online panel Discussing Program about  “Womens’ Rights in the 21st Century” with these subtitles; 

  • Immigrant women’s issues
  • Women as political prisoners (cases from Turkey)
  • Persecution of Uyghur Women in Xinjiang region of China
  • Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) activism in defending rights of women and girls

Distinguished women community leaders and an immigrant attorney will present various topics related to women’s rights issues in 21st Century. Women’s rights violations in Turkey and Eastern Turkistan (Xinjang region of China) will be discussed by Hafza Girdap, Executive Director of Advocates of Silenced Turkey and Ruhsan Abbas, an Uyghur American activist, respectively. Immigrant Attorney Suzanne Susany will discuss the issues faced by women seeking asylum. Finally Angela Ayaz will discuss the social advocasy and activism of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in overcoming oppression of women and girls.
Betty Cruz, Director and CEO of World Affairs Council, Pittsburgh will be the MC for the program

The panel will be broadcast live on the City of Bridges Foundation Youtube Channel. The event will be publicized on Monday, March 8th, 2021 between 6pm and 7:30pm. A moderator and  guest speakers will share their presentations, each panelist will have 10 or 12 minutes, at the end 30 minutes questions will be received from audience

We will be honored if you could join us in increasing awareness of women rights in the 21st century!

Youtube LiveStreaming address is https://youtu.be/ABc3iJcvKew

Categories: Events